Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York
Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York
For over a year now, since Mobilegeddon update arrived, Google has had SEO industry radically change the way we used to strategize our campaigns. Mobile First Index came into being at Pubcon when Gary Illyes explained that 85% search results are now optimized for mobile and more than 50% searches on Google are now coming from mobile devices.
And it makes sense too. Studies have shown that people, especially ‘power users’ prefer to browse their internet on the go. And with the evolution of smartphone technology and competitiveness in mobile data segment, it is a piece of cake that Google couldn’t just afford to ignore.
Since then, almost 6 months have passed and SEO industry has been busy recalibrating their strategy for what lies ahead – a Split of Google’s Search Index.
Splitting of index would also mean parting of ways for the traffic that a brand could earlier garner through their website. What this also means is that – if you are not ready for Google’s Mobile First Index – you are potentially risking your website’s performance on Search Engines.
At Clixlogix, we have been actively consulting our clients to ensure that as this Google update takes over as an important Search Ranking Factor – a robust “Mobile First” strategy is in action for all of them.
A few pretty interesting scenarios came into light, that we feel are worth mentioning in this post:-
Some E-Commerce brands that use M(dot) websites
Even though Gary Illyes on Twitter gave such site owners some hope.
It makes sense for such business owners to immediately upgrade their websites to a responsive solution that is much more mobile oriented so that once this mobile first index starts being Google’s first priority they already have sufficient mobile content indexed.
Sounds like a pretty thorough Mobile Site Audit is soon going to be a normal in SEO industry. Before you starting working on an account – it would make a perfect sense to foray into the mobile side of things for a website and ensure that all the HTML is well optimized for the keywords that you are gunning for on Search Results.
This would be a shift from the usual Google Mobile Friendly Tool check that was pretty much standard exercise that SEOs relied on to assessing a website’s performance on mobile devices.
Gives a spin to a lot of elements that currently seem unquestionable as they were earlier.
However now, definitely, would need a tweaking to ensure Google mobilebots are able to crawl through ‘relevant’ content on your mobile site. Especially when it comes to adjust the canonical tags and re-alt tags for your mobile and desktop content.
If you are concerned as to how to check what version of your website is being Fetched and Rendered by Google – you can use the Google Search Console and specify UserAgent as mobile:smartphone to preview it & tweak it as needed to enhance your UX.
Especially with the announcement of Android Instant Apps. It makes sense to cross pollinate your content & invest in a mobile responsive version of your website alongside having an app.
Where is this going?
Moving on, there are some recent updates that we would like to share with you regarding the mobile-first update.
The update is still being worked on, and it is estimated to launch at the end of this year. At a keynote speech a few days ago, Google’s Gary Illyes said that the update will launch by the end of this year.
It gives a lot of time for webmasters and SEO Industry to work together and prepare well in advance for this update so that once it takes over there is no negative impact on the traffic. Prioritizing & opting for a mobile first search marketing strategy however would now be a regular norm for most businesses that wish to stay ahead on Google.
Ritika is a Senior Tech Lead at ClixLogix. A technology enthusiast by day and a foodie by night. She loves to explore ex