Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York
Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York
Greens First Female is an extension of the Greens First Healthcare Product line. Greens First has been in the business of manufacturing and marketing the best-in-class health and wellness products that provide promotes a healthy lifestyle. As a part of their marketing campaign they were looking to get an app developed that will act as a marketing tool, connect with healthcare professionals and further enable them to expand their consumer base.
The biggest hurdle in this project was to conceptualize the app as a marketing tool. Right from design to the functionalities, the app should engage their target audience and help them achieve their business goals.
Here are some of the results achieved upon launching the app
Greens First Female App reached the userbase of 1 K users within 2 months of launch.
Within 3 months of app launch Greens First experienced a rise of 23% in revenue.
As a result of this App . their brand recall value increased by 37%
We'd love to help make your ideas into reality.